Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My dear little sister! Today is a very special is the Taco Day! And you have no idea how much I want to go have some of those great tacos they have in Tijuana, or the fish tacos by the house.

But it is also your birthday! What a great coincidence! two of the most important things in my life at the same time!

But I wanted to let you know, that although sometimes I am a pain, haha, I love you and I hope you have a great day today!

How about a new road trip next summer...

Priscila is the little one I am bothering!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It is here!

My dearest Pops! It arrived to day, I have it in my hands. I hope it is as good as you said! But I dont doubt that, you always come through and that is why I love you!

Also, because you are very good giving advice, although sometimes I may not like it, but that is also why I like you.

I hope that our plans, which are surprisingly similar, become a reality...

Bob misses you!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Yesterday was a special day. It was special because I wore the uniform. That uniform that I only wore for two years. That green uniform that belongs to  soccer selection of Oaklawn Academy.

I studied 7th and 8th grade here. And I say here because this is where I am working now. As a child I wore that uniform proudly. It meant a lot to me. I loved to leave school and go to the games. The school is in Wisconsin, and in the team we were all Mexican kids. And I really enjoyed giving some soccer lessons to the locals when we played, haha.

In one of the hallways of the school there is a space where we have all the trophies that in the last 25 years the different selections have won.

When I was 14 I played my last game for the selection at the McDonald's Tournament in Madison. In this tournament we won every game and we were champions. Which deserved a plaque with the names of those who formed part of the team: Alberto Basauri Orendain Hector Javier Mitrani, Jose Luis Cerecedo, Gabriel Flores, Luis Hernandez, Victor Mendez  The plaque has been there for 14 years now.

Well yesterday was a special day, because after 14 years of having worn that uniform officially for the last time, I wore it again. We joined a soccer tournament in Janesville. In the school we have two selections in which boys represent the school. One is the U-14 and the other U-16. Well, now we have a third selection: the U-40! 

In this selection plays the principal, the assistant to the principal, 2 assitants of discipline, the general dean of discipline, the dishwasher, a friend of the dishwasher, and the extra curricular activities coordinator (that's me, haha).

Yesterday we had our first game. The U-40 selection of Oaklawn Academy was victorious with a 18-9 score. Who knows, maybe after the season is over we'll have to get another plaque ... 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Expecting some sun...

I am not a compulsive shopper. Those who know me well, know this. But...this time I could not help it. I'm not a person who buys expensive things. Those who know me well, know this. But...this time I could not help it.
Normally what I buy, I buy it for a reason. It is because it is something I really like, that really grabs my attention, or it has a meaning. So when I buy something, it lasts.

That is why I have been using the same brand of cologne for the last 10 years. That is why I keep using the same guitar that I bought 5 years ago, a used guitar! .. I call her "La Andariega",which kind of means "The Wanderer". That's why I keep using the same boots I bought in Putla three years ago and that has accompanied me in two continents.

That's why I love my green Mexico 68 Jacket that I bought 7 years ago (by the way, my friends call it "the uniform" but later I will say why haha). That is also why I have worn the same watch on my right hand for the last 10 years. A watch my grandpa gave to my dad back in 1968 before he went to collegue in Mexico City to the UNAM.

Anyway, yesterday I could not help it! I went into a store and saw a pair of glasses. The last time I bought an expensive pair of glasses was in Michigan Avenue in Chicago. They lasted 5 years until I forgot them in one of the restrooms of my former university in Cholula.

But these glasses I saw yesterday were talking to me! ... they were saying "Come on, take us with you. We want to be part of your history. Plus, it's spring, you'll soon travel to New York, Washington, Philadelphia, Detroit, Boston, New Hampshire, Rhode Island. Then you will return to Mexico and will spend lots of time in the beach ... and also ... we are like the glasses Bob Dylan used to use!" I could not help it, I gave in, and I bought them ...

Now...I am expecting sun...lots of sun!

Pretty cool, huh? :)